stackery logs
stackery logs
View function logs
Display logged events for all deployed functions. If a function is specified by name or by ID, logs are displayed for that function only.
stackery logs --stack-name=<name> --env-name=<name> [flags]
Display AWS CloudWatch logs for a function deployed in the "production"
environment. AWS credentials are given in the user's "production" profile.
stackery logs -n my-stack -e production --aws-profile production --function-id Function2
--access-key-id string AWS access key ID
--aws-profile string AWS profile name
--end-time string Include messages logged before the given RFC3339 time
-e, --env-name string The environment name
-f, --function-id string Display the log for a particular function by ID
--function-name string Display the log for a particular function by name
-h, --help help for logs
--secret-access-key string AWS secret access key
--session-token string AWS session token
--since string Get logs from <time> ago, where <time> is 20m, 24h, etc. (default "5m")
-n, --stack-name string The stack name
--start-time string Include messages logged after the given RFC3339 time (ex: 2019-06-01T18:00:00Z or 2019-06-01T13:00:00-07:00)
--stream Wait for new messages to become available
Options inherited from parent commands
--non-interactive Skip user inputs
- stackery - Stackery command line tool