Stackery command line tool
Stackery command line tool
The stackery command ordinarly reads credentials from ~/.stackery.toml, which is created by 'stackery login'. Alternatively, the key and secret may be provided in the environment variables STACKERY_KEY and STACKERY_SECRET.
-h, --help help for stackery
--non-interactive Skip user inputs
- stackery aws - Manage AWS providers
- stackery bitbucket - Bitbucket Cloud configuration
- stackery create - Create a new stack
- stackery delete - Delete a stack
- stackery deploy - Deploy a stack
- stackery describe - Describe a Stackery stack
- stackery edit - Start the Stackery dashboard in local editing mode
- stackery env - Manage Stackery environments
- stackery github - GitHub configuration
- stackery gitlab - GitLab configuration
- stackery gitproviders - Manage Git providers
- stackery init - Initialize Stackery files
- stackery invoke - Invoke a function
- stackery list - List Stackery stacks
- stackery local - Perform local function execution
- stackery login - Log in to Stackery
- stackery logs - View function logs
- stackery metrics - Show stack metrics
- stackery pluck-event - Find a function input event
- stackery rename - Rename a stack
- stackery settings - Show or modify stack settings
- stackery undeploy - Undeploy resources associated with a stack
- stackery update - Update this Stackery CLI tool
- stackery version - Print version
- stackery whoami - Print Stackery user's email address