stackery env secrets create
stackery env secrets create
Create a new secret
Create a new secret/value pair in the set of secrets associated with a Stackery environment
stackery env secrets create [flags]
Create a new secret associated with the user's "production" environment. Functions and
Docker Services deployed in the environment can use the SECRETS_NAMESPACE environment variable
plus the secret name to get the value of the secret in that environment.
stackery env secrets create -e production --secret-name dbPassword --secret-value 'Pa$$w0rd'
-e, --env-name string The environment name
-h, --help help for create
--secret-description string A description of the secret
--secret-name string The name of the secret
--secret-value string The value of the secret
Options inherited from parent commands
--non-interactive Skip user inputs
- stackery env secrets - Manipulate environments secrets