stackery invoke
stackery invoke
Invoke a function
Invoke a Stackery stack function by logical ID and print its output
stackery invoke --stack-name=<stack> --env-name=<env> --function-id=<function> --input=<json> [flags]
Invoke the function with logical ID myCronJob in a stack deployed to the "production" environment, sending it
and empty message. AWS credentials are given in the user's "production" profile.
stackery invoke -n my-stack -e production --aws-profile production --function-id myCronJob --input={}
--access-key-id string AWS access key ID
--aws-profile string AWS profile name
-e, --env-name string The environment name
--function-id string The ID of the function to invoke
--function-name string The name of the function to invoke
-h, --help help for invoke
--input string A JSON string to be given as function input
--input-file string A file containing function input JSON
--invocation-type string Set the function invocation type (default "RequestResponse")
--no-logs Do not display function invocation logs
--secret-access-key string AWS secret access key
--session-token string AWS session token
-n, --stack-name string The stack name
--stdin Function input should be read from standard input as JSON
Options inherited from parent commands
--non-interactive Skip user inputs
- stackery - Stackery command line tool