Anything Resource
Resource Overview
Incorporating certain cloud services or configurations may require defining CloudFormation resources directly in the stack template.
When you define these CloudFormation resources, Stackery will render them as an Anything Resource when you view the stack in Visual Edit Mode.
Anything Resources will:
- Adopt and display the CloudFormation Type and Logical ID provided in the resource definition
- Render service discovery wires (dashed-wire) that connect it to existing cloud resources that it may reference
- If necessary, logically group two or more related cloud resources to improve visualization of the stack
- When double-clicked, open a configuration panel holding the CloudFormation definition(s) it represents
Defining these CloudFormation resources directly in the stack template allow you to easily reference and configure any interactions between services. Direct template editing can be done while in the Template Edit Mode for a stack, as well as in template.yaml
in the IDE of your choice.
Anything Resources are also available within the Add Resource + panel to be dropped into a stack and configured.
Note: This resource lets you add any CloudFormation resource to a stack, however, Stackery does not validate any user-defined CloudFormation resource configurations
See AWS's template reference for valid resources, type names, intrinsic functions and pseudo parameters that are available for use.